
Basic Readings with the Verb 'To Be' / Lecturas básicas con el verbo 'to be'


My Family

first reading

Simple Present 'Verb to Be'

Reading Passage: My Family

I am Alex, and I have a wonderful family. We are four people: my mom, my dad, my sister, and me. My mom is a teacher, and she is kind. My dad is a doctor, and he is smart. My sister is a student, and she is funny. We are a happy family. We love spending time together, playing games, and going for walks. I am grateful for my loving family.



Who is a teacher?

What does Alex's dad do?

How many people are there in Alex's family?

Who is funny?

What do they love doing together?

My Favorite Animal

Second reading

Simple Present 'Verb to Be'

Reading Passage: My Favorite Animal

I love animals, but my favorite animal is the dolphin. Dolphins are amazing creatures. They are known for their intelligence and playful nature. Dolphins are mammals and live in the ocean. They are very social animals and often swim together in groups called pods. Dolphins can communicate with each other using clicks, whistles, and body movements. They are also known for their acrobatic skills, jumping out of the water and performing flips. I find dolphins fascinating!



What is the author's favorite animal?

What type of animal are dolphins?

How do dolphins communicate?

How do dolphins often swim together?

What are dolphins known for in terms of their movements?

My Favorite Season

third reading

Simple Present 'Verb to Be'

Reading Passage: My Favorite Season

My favorite season is summer. I am fond of warm weather and sunny days. Summer is the time when I can go swimming and have fun at the beach. The days are long, and I can enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and cycling. The trees are green, and flowers are in full bloom. It is the perfect time to have picnics and enjoy ice cream. Summer is a time of relaxation and adventure for me.



What is the author's favorite season?

What does the author enjoy doing in summer?

What color are the trees during the author's favorite season?

What kind of activities does the author mention enjoying in summer?

How does the author describe summer?

Sarah's Family

fourth reading

Simple Present 'Verb to Be'

Reading Passage: Sarah's Family

Hi, my name is Sarah. I am a student. I have a small family. We are three people: my mom, my dad, and me. My mom's name is Lisa. She is a teacher. She is very kind and patient. My dad's name is Mark. He is a doctor. He is hardworking and caring. I am in elementary school. My favorite subjects are English and Math. I am good at drawing too. We are a happy family. We love spending time together. On weekends, we go for walks in the park or watch movies at home. That's a little bit about my family. Thank you for reading!



How many people are in Sarah's family?

What is Sarah's mom's name?

What does Sarah's dad do for a living?

Which subjects does Sarah enjoy at school?

What activities does Sarah's family enjoy on weekends?

Two Outstanding Students in My Class

Fifth reading

Simple Present 'Verb to Be'

Reading Passage: Two Outstanding Students in My Class

There is a girl in my class named Maria, and she is one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. Her long, wavy hair is the color of chocolate, and her bright green eyes are like emeralds. She has a smile that can light up the entire room, and her laugh is infectious. Maria is also very kind and considerate. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need, and she is never judgmental or critical. There is also a boy in my class named Jack, and he is quite charming. He has short, dark hair and piercing blue eyes that are always full of mischief. He has a great sense of humor and is always cracking jokes and making people laugh. Jack is also very confident and self-assured. He is not afraid to speak his mind and is always ready to take on a challenge. However, he can be a little bit stubborn at times. In conclusion, Maria is a kind and beautiful girl, while Jack is a charming and confident boy. They both have their unique qualities that make them stand out in a crowd.



1. Who is the girl in the narrator's class?

2. What are some physical qualities of Maria?

3. How does Maria's smile affect the room?

4. How would you describe Maria's personality?

5. Who is the boy in the narrator's class?

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