
readings containing: Present simple, Present continuous, so do i, neither do I, simple past, past continuous.

simple past.

First reading.

Conference Room - Business Meeting


Mark - CEO

Sarah - CFO

John - Sales Manager

Lisa - Marketing Manager

David - Operations Manager

Mark: Good morning, everyone. Let's start the meeting. John, could you please provide an update on the current sales figures?

John: Certainly, Mark. Our sales are steadily increasing. We've secured several new clients this month, and our sales team is working on closing more deals.

Mark: Excellent. It sounds like we're making progress. Sarah, how are the financials looking?

Sarah: The financials are in good shape. Our revenue is growing steadily, and our expenses are well-managed. We are on track to meet our quarterly targets.

Mark: That's great news, Sarah. Lisa, what marketing initiatives are underway?

Lisa: We're currently running a digital marketing campaign targeting our key demographics. We've seen a positive response so far, and our website traffic has increased significantly.

Mark: Wonderful. It's important to maintain a strong online presence. David, what's happening with operations?

David: Our operations are running smoothly. We have implemented new efficiency measures, and the team is working diligently to streamline our processes.

Mark: That's reassuring to hear, David. Now, I'd like to address an important issue. We need to improve our customer service. It's crucial for our reputation. We have received a few complaints lately.

John: I agree, Mark. We should focus on providing better support to our customers. I've noticed that our response times have been longer than usual.

Mark: Yes, we need to address that. Lisa, can you coordinate with the customer service team to identify areas for improvement?

Lisa: Of course, Mark. I'll work with the team to analyze the complaints and implement necessary changes.

Mark: Thank you, Lisa. Sarah, I believe we should invest in customer service training for our employees.

Sarah: That's a good idea, Mark. By providing training, we can enhance our team's communication and problem-solving skills.

Mark: I'm glad you agree, Sarah. Let's allocate a budget for the training program.

Sarah: Agreed. I'll prepare a proposal and present it to you by the end of the week.

Mark: Perfect. Thank you, Sarah. Does anyone else have any concerns or suggestions?

John: I have one more thing to add, Mark. I think we should also improve our online feedback system to capture customer opinions more effectively.

Mark: That's a valid point, John. Let's explore options to enhance our feedback collection methods.

David: I agree. It's essential to gather valuable feedback to continuously improve our operations.

Mark: Absolutely, David. We'll look into it. If there are no further points, let's conclude the meeting. Thank you, everyone, for your valuable input.

Participants: Thank you, Mark.

End of Meeting



1) Who is the CEO of the company?

2) What is the main topic of the meeting?

3) How are the sales figures currently?

4) What has the marketing team been doing?

5) What concern does Mark want to address in the meeting?

6) Who will coordinate with the customer service team to identify areas for improvement?

7) What suggestion does John make to improve customer feedback?

8) What will Sarah do after the meeting?

9) What is the outcome of the meeting?

10) Who thanks Mark at the end of the meeting?

Second reading:

Article: What is Globalization and How Does it Work?

Globalization is the process of increasing interconnectedness and interdependence among countries, economies, and people worldwide. It involves the exchange of goods, services, information, and ideas across national borders, leading to the integration of economies and cultures on a global scale. This phenomenon is largely driven by advancements in technology, communication, transportation, and trade.

At its core, globalization facilitates the movement of capital, labor, and resources across borders. It allows companies to expand their operations globally, accessing new markets and resources. Multinational corporations set up production facilities in different countries to take advantage of lower production costs, skilled labor, or favorable business environments.

Globalization also promotes international trade by reducing barriers such as tariffs and quotas. Free trade agreements, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), encourage countries to open their markets and promote fair and equitable trade practices. This enables countries to specialize in the production of goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage, leading to increased efficiency and economic growth.

Furthermore, globalization has a profound impact on culture and society. It facilitates the exchange of cultural practices, ideas, and values, fostering cross-cultural understanding and diversity. Globalization has led to the proliferation of global media, including movies, music, and the internet, connecting people from different parts of the world and shaping global trends and identities.

However, globalization is not without its challenges and criticisms. Critics argue that it can lead to job losses and wage stagnation in developed countries as companies outsource production to lower-cost regions. They also raise concerns about environmental degradation, exploitation of workers, and widening income inequality.

In conclusion, globalization is a complex and multifaceted process that promotes interconnectedness and integration among countries. It enables the flow of goods, services, information, and ideas across borders, fostering economic growth, cultural exchange, and global connectivity.



1) What is the definition of globalization?

2) What are some driving factors behind globalization?

3) What does globalization facilitate the movement of across borders?

4) Why do multinational corporations set up production facilities in different countries?

5) How does globalization impact international trade?

6) What is one way globalization impacts culture and society?

7) What criticism is raised about globalization?

8) What is one concern raised about globalization's impact on workers?

9) How can countries benefit from globalization?

10) What is one positive aspect of globalization mentioned in the article?

Third Reading:

Article: Why Sleeping Well is So Important.

Sleep is a vital component of overall health and well-being. It plays a crucial role in various aspects of our lives, including physical health, mental well-being, cognitive function, and emotional balance. Getting enough quality sleep is essential for optimal functioning and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Physical Health:

Adequate sleep is essential for physical health. During sleep, the body repairs and regenerates tissues, strengthens the immune system, and regulates hormonal balance. Lack of sleep can increase the risk of developing chronic health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and weakened immune function.

Mental Well-being:

Sleep has a significant impact on mental health and emotional well-being. Sufficient sleep promotes emotional stability, improves mood, and reduces the risk of developing mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. It helps regulate emotions, enhances resilience, and improves overall mental functioning.

Cognitive Function:

Sleep is closely linked to cognitive function and brain health. It plays a crucial role in memory consolidation, learning, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. Getting enough sleep enhances concentration, attention span, creativity, and overall cognitive performance. It also improves productivity and learning outcomes.

Energy and Productivity:

A good night's sleep provides the necessary energy to tackle daily activities effectively. When well-rested, individuals are more alert, focused, and motivated. Quality sleep enhances productivity, efficiency, and performance in both personal and professional domains. It also reduces the risk of workplace accidents and errors.

Physical Performance:

Athletes and individuals involved in physical activities greatly benefit from quality sleep. Sleep helps with muscle recovery, repair, and growth. It contributes to better athletic performance, coordination, reaction time, and overall physical endurance. Insufficient sleep can lead to decreased athletic performance and increased risk of injuries.

In conclusion, sleeping well is of utmost importance for a healthy and balanced life. It directly impacts physical health, mental well-being, cognitive function, energy levels, productivity, and physical performance. Prioritizing and adopting healthy sleep habits is essential to reap the numerous benefits that quality sleep offers.



1) What role does sleep play in physical health?

2) How does lack of sleep affect physical health?

3) What impact does sufficient sleep have on mental well-being?

4) How is sleep linked to cognitive function?

5) What are the benefits of getting enough quality sleep for physical performance?

6) How does sleep impact productivity and performance?

7) What can happen if an individual does not get enough sleep?

8) Why is sleep important for physical health in athletes and physically active individuals?

9) What is one benefit of sufficient sleep in the context of physical performance?

10) What is the overall importance of sleeping well?

Fourth reading: .

Article: The Eight Wonders and Why They Are So Important

Throughout history, there have been numerous remarkable structures and natural sites that captivate our imagination and leave us in awe. These wonders of the world showcase the ingenuity, creativity, and beauty of human and natural achievements. Here are the eight wonders and why they are so important.Throughout history, there have been numerous remarkable structures and natural sites that captivate our imagination and leave us in awe. These wonders of the world showcase the ingenuity, creativity, and beauty of human and natural achievements. Here are the eight wonders and why they are so important.

The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt: .

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in Giza, Egypt. Built as tombs for the pharaohs, these pyramids demonstrate the advanced engineering and architectural skills of the ancient Egyptians. They hold immense historical and cultural significance, representing the power and grandeur of the Egyptian civilization.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Iraq:

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are considered one of the most impressive feats of ancient engineering. Believed to have been built by King Nebuchadnezzar II, these gardens showcased an innovative irrigation system, allowing lush greenery to thrive in the desert. Although no physical remains have been found, their existence is documented in ancient texts, making them a symbol of human imagination and craftsmanship.

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Greece:

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was a colossal seated figure of the Greek god Zeus. Created by the renowned sculptor Phidias, it stood inside the Temple of Zeus in Olympia. This magnificent statue was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and a testament to Greek artistry and religious devotion.

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Turkey:

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was dedicated to the Greek goddess Artemis and was known for its grandeur and architectural beauty. It was a center of religious worship and an important pilgrimage site. Its destruction and subsequent reconstruction multiple times throughout history reflect the significance placed on religious sanctuaries.

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Turkey:

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was an elaborate tomb built for King Mausolus of Caria. It was an extraordinary blend of architectural styles and adorned with intricate sculptures and friezes. This mausoleum inspired the term "mausoleum" and symbolizes the human desire to commemorate and honor the deceased.

The Colossus of Rhodes, Greece:

The Colossus of Rhodes was a giant statue of the Greek sun god Helios, situated at the entrance of the harbor of Rhodes. It was a marvel of ancient engineering and an iconic symbol of the island of Rhodes. Although the statue was destroyed by an earthquake, its influence on art and architecture remains significant.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria, Egypt:

The Lighthouse of Alexandria was a towering structure that guided ships into the harbor of Alexandria, Egypt. It was one of the tallest man-made structures of the ancient world and a beacon of knowledge, commerce, and maritime trade. The lighthouse represented the importance of navigation and the exchange of goods and ideas.

The Great Wall of China, China:

The Great Wall of China is a monumental defensive structure that spans thousands of kilometers across China. It is a testament to human perseverance, engineering brilliance, and the desire to protect civilizations. The wall's historical, cultural, and strategic importance makes it an iconic wonder of the world.

In conclusion, the eight wonders of the world are not only marvels of human and natural ingenuity but also hold immense historical, cultural, and symbolic significance. They represent the achievements, aspirations, and creativity of different civilizations, standing as enduring testaments to the brilliance of the human spirit.



1) What does the Great Pyramid of Giza represent?

2) What is the significance of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

3) Who created the Statue of Zeus at Olympia?

4) What is the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus known for?

5) What inspired the term "mausoleum"?

6) What was the Colossus of Rhodes a symbol of?

7) What was the Lighthouse of Alexandria used for?

8) What does the Great Wall of China symbolize?

9) What do the eight wonders of the world represent?

10) Why are the eight wonders of the world important?

Fifth reading:

Article: Grand Colombia - A Historical Overview

Grand Colombia was a historical nation that existed from 1819 to 1831 in South America. It encompassed the territories of present-day Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Venezuela. During its brief existence, Grand Colombia experienced significant political, social, and economic transformations. Let's explore the history of Grand Colombia, highlighting key events and developments.

In the early 19th century, South America was struggling for independence from Spanish colonial rule. Revolutionary leaders such as Simón Bolívar and Francisco de Paula Santander played pivotal roles in the fight for freedom. They envisioned a united South America free from Spanish domination. In 1819, after several military victories, Bolívar established Grand Colombia as a federation of independent states.

During its formation, Grand Colombia faced numerous challenges. The new nation sought to establish a centralized government while respecting regional autonomy. Bolívar, as the president, aimed to unite the diverse regions and promote a sense of national identity. However, tensions arose between centralists and federalists who held different views on the extent of central government control.

The period of Grand Colombia's existence witnessed both accomplishments and struggles. Infrastructure development, including the construction of roads and bridges, was prioritized to facilitate trade and communication between regions. Educational reforms were implemented to promote literacy and knowledge. Notably, the establishment of the Universidad Central in Bogatá laid the foundation for higher education in the region.

Economically, Grand Colombia aimed to exploit its rich natural resources, particularly in mining and agriculture. Efforts were made to boost agricultural production and expand trade relations with other nations. However, economic stability proved challenging to achieve, as the nation faced external pressures and internal conflicts.

Political rivalries and regional tensions posed significant challenges to the unity of Grand Colombia. The central government struggled to assert control over the regions, and conflicts between different factions often erupted. The assassination of Bolívar's political ally, Francisco de Paula Santander, further fueled instability and divisions within the nation.

By 1830, the dream of a united South America under Grand Colombia started to fade. Political and ideological differences, along with territorial disputes, led to the dissolution of the federation. Venezuela and Ecuador declared their independence, reducing Grand Colombia to only the territories of present-day Colombia and Panama.

In 1831, Grand Colombia finally dissolved, giving rise to separate nations. The Republic of New Granada emerged, which later transformed into modern-day Colombia. Panama remained a part of Colombia until its own independence in 1903.

Although Grand Colombia's existence was relatively short, its legacy is profound. It represented a bold vision of a united South America and inspired subsequent independence movements across the continent. The ideals of liberty, unity, and regional integration advocated during the era of Grand Colombia continue to influence the nations that emerged from its dissolution.



1) When did Grand Colombia exist as a historical nation?

2) Who were the revolutionary leaders involved in the fight for independence in South America?

3) What was the primary aim of establishing Grand Colombia as a federation of independent states?

4) What was one of the challenges faced by Grand Colombia during its formation?

5) Which leader played a pivotal role in the fight for freedom and established Grand Colombia as a federation?

6) What was the major challenge faced by Grand Colombia in achieving economic stability?

7) What were the territories encompassed by Grand Colombia during its existence?

8) Which event led to the dissolution of Grand Colombia, reducing it to only present-day Colombia and Panama?

9) What legacy did Grand Colombia leave behind despite its relatively short existence?

10) Which modern-day country emerged from the dissolution of Grand Colombia?

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