
Level B1 readings: past perfect and continuous, third and mixed conditionals.

simple past.

Fisrt reading: past perfect.

Reading Passage: Camping Adventure

Last summer, Sarah and her friends embarked on an exciting camping trip. They had planned this adventure for months, and it turned out to be one of the most memorable experiences they had ever had. On a warm July morning, they set out to explore the picturesque wilderness.

After they had hiked for several hours, they reached a beautiful clearing near a crystal-clear lake. They decided to set up camp there and enjoy the natural beauty surrounding them. As the sun began to set, Sarah's friend, Mark, started a campfire, and they all sat around it, sharing stories and laughter.

Just as they were about to call it a night, Sarah remembered that she had left her camera on the trail earlier that day. She told her friends about it, and they decided to help her find it the next morning. They had already gone quite far, so they were worried that someone might have taken the camera.

The next day, they woke up early, and Sarah led the way back to the spot where they had taken a break during the hike. To their relief, the camera was still there, exactly where Sarah had left it. She was overjoyed and thanked her friends for their support in finding it. If they hadn't decided to search for it, she would have lost all the precious pictures from the trip.



1. What is the main focus of the essay?

2. How does bullying affect victims emotionally?

3. What does the essay suggest about the impact of bullying on an individual's mental well-being?

4. How does bullying affect the sense of community and relationships?

5. What is the broader societal impact of bullying?

6. How does engaging in bullying behaviors affect the bullies themselves?

7. What does the essay propose as a solution to combat bullying?

8. What is the central message of the essay?

9. What steps does the essay suggest for addressing and preventing bullying?

10. How does the essay view the role of empathy and intervention in combating bullying?

Second reading:

Reading Passage: The Lost Locket

A few months ago, in the bustling city of Millington, lived a young woman named Emma. She had recently moved to the city to pursue her dream of becoming a successful artist. One afternoon, Emma decided to visit the local antique shop, hoping to find some inspiration for her next painting.

As she entered the charming little store, a shiny locket caught her eye. It was an exquisite piece of jewelry with delicate engravings on its surface. The kind shopkeeper told her that the locket was an antique, and it had a fascinating history behind it. Intrigued, Emma decided to purchase it.

Later that evening, as she was getting ready to attend an art gallery event, Emma realized the locket was missing. She panicked and started searching frantically for it in her small apartment, but it was nowhere to be found. Emma couldn't understand how she could have lost it so quickly after buying it.

The next morning, Emma returned to the antique shop with a heavy heart to inform the shopkeeper about the lost locket. To her surprise, the shopkeeper already knew about it. He explained that the locket had been part of a collection owned by a wealthy family in the early 1900s. It had been stolen during a burglary many years ago but was recovered by the police. After the locket was returned, the family kept it safe for generations.

When Emma had bought the locket, she had no idea about its storied past. She felt relieved to know that it had once again returned to its rightful place. The shopkeeper appreciated her honesty and offered to show her other unique pieces of history that might inspire her artwork.



1. Where did Emma move to pursue her dream of becoming an artist?

2. Why did Emma visit the local antique shop?

3. What caught Emma's eye in the antique shop?

4. How did Emma feel when she realized the locket was missing?

5. What did the shopkeeper reveal to Emma about the locket's history?

6. What had happened to the locket many years before Emma purchased it?

7. How did the locket end up back in the antique shop?

8. How did Emma feel when she learned about the locket's past?

9. Why did the shopkeeper offer to show Emma other unique pieces of history?

10. What is the main lesson from this story?

Third reading: third conditional and mixed conditionals

Reading Passage: A Missed Flight

Last year, John went on a long-awaited vacation to a tropical island. He had planned this trip for months and was excited to relax on the beautiful beaches. However, his journey didn't go as smoothly as he had hoped.

On the day of his departure, John's alarm clock didn't go off, and he woke up late. He rushed to the airport, but by the time he arrived at the check-in counter, the flight had already taken off. John felt devastated; he couldn't believe he had missed his flight.

If he had set two alarms, he would not have overslept.

Due to the missed flight, John had to book another ticket for the next available flight. Unfortunately, all the direct flights were fully booked, so he had to take a connecting flight through a different city.

If he hadn't missed his original flight, he wouldn't have had to go through the hassle of booking a new ticket with a layover.

During his layover, John met a fellow traveler named Sarah. They struck up a conversation and discovered they both had a love for adventure and hiking. They quickly became friends and decided to explore the new city together during their layover.

If John hadn't missed his flight, he wouldn't have met Sarah and enjoyed a mini-adventure in the layover city.

By the time John finally arrived at the tropical island, he was a day behind his original schedule. Despite the setback, he made the most of his vacation, and the breathtaking views and new friendships made it a memorable experience.



1. What was John's initial plan for his vacation?

2. Why did John rush to the airport on the day of his departure?

3. What was John's reaction when he arrived at the airport check-in counter?

4. What could have prevented John from oversleeping and missing his flight?

5. Why did John have to book another ticket for his journey?

6. What did John and Sarah have in common during their layover?

7. How did John's missed flight lead to his meeting with Sarah?

8. What would have been the result if John had caught his original flight?

9. How did John's vacation turn out despite the initial setback?

10. What was the main theme of John's vacation?

Fourth reading: third conditional and mixed conditionals .

Reading Passage: The Lost Wallet

Last month, Amy took a trip to the bustling city of New York. She was excited to explore the famous landmarks and experience the vibrant culture of the city. However, her journey took an unexpected turn when she lost her wallet.

During her first day in New York, Amy visited Times Square and marveled at the dazzling lights. While she was taking photos, she accidentally dropped her wallet without noticing it. By the time she realized it was missing, she had already moved on to a different part of the city. If she had been more careful, she wouldn't have lost her wallet.

If she had been more careful, she wouldn't have lost her wallet.

Amy retraced her steps, hoping to find her lost wallet, but it was nowhere to be seen. Panicked, she reported the incident to the police and canceled her credit cards. She felt devastated, as her wallet contained not only money and credit cards but also sentimental items like old photos and a handwritten letter from her best friend.

If she hadn't dropped her wallet, she wouldn't have had to go through the hassle of canceling her cards and losing sentimental items.

As the days passed, Amy received a call from a stranger who had found her wallet. The person had noticed it on the ground in Times Square and had taken the initiative to return it to her. Amy was overwhelmed with gratitude and rewarded the kind stranger for their honesty.

If the person hadn't found Amy's wallet and returned it, she would have faced even more difficulties during her trip.

Because of the lost wallet incident, Amy had to be more cautious during the rest of her trip. She started carrying her belongings in a secure bag and made sure to double-check her belongings after visiting any place.

If she hadn't lost her wallet, she wouldn't have learned to be more cautious and vigilant during her travels.

Despite the unfortunate incident, Amy continued to enjoy her time in New York, making unforgettable memories and cherishing the kindness she had encountered during her trip.



1. What was Amy's purpose for visiting New York?

2. How did Amy lose her wallet?

3. What did Amy's wallet contain besides money and credit cards?

4. Why did Amy have to cancel her credit cards?

5. How did Amy feel when she received a call from the stranger?

6. Why did the stranger call Amy?

7. How did Amy change her behavior after losing her wallet?

8. What did Amy learn from the incident with her lost wallet?

9. What did the stranger notice about Amy's wallet?

10. How did Amy's trip to New York end despite the wallet incident?

Fifth reading: past perfect and past perfect continuous.

Reading Passage: The Mysterious Disappearance

Last winter, in the quaint town of Willowbrook, a strange incident occurred. Jack, a local librarian, noticed that some of the rare books in the library had vanished. He couldn't believe it, as these books were of great historical value and were kept under lock and key.

The mystery began two weeks before Jack made the discovery. The librarian had been working late one evening, cataloging the precious books, when he noticed some unusual sounds coming from the library's basement. He had always wondered what was down there, but it was generally off-limits to the public.

Intrigued, he cautiously descended into the dimly lit basement. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, the noises became louder and clearer. It seemed like someone was shuffling books and muttering to themselves.

By the time Jack turned on the lights, the sounds had stopped. He looked around but couldn't find anyone. However, he did notice that the heavy iron door, usually locked, was slightly ajar. He thought he must have imagined the sounds and dismissed it as a product of his tired mind.

Over the next two weeks, Jack's unease grew as he found more books missing from the rare collection. He decided to install a security camera in the basement, hoping to catch the culprit in the act.

The following week, the camera captured an unexpected scene. In the footage, a shadowy figure was seen sneaking into the basement late at night. The figure was wearing a dark hooded cloak, making it difficult to identify.

The mysterious person had been coming to the basement regularly for weeks, taking books and returning them the next night. It seemed like they were using the books for research or studying.

Jack reported the incident to the local authorities, who launched an investigation. After a few days of discreet observation, the police managed to catch the person red-handed. To everyone's surprise, it turned out to be a young history enthusiast who had always dreamed of studying ancient texts.

The young enthusiast had been fascinated by the historical value of the books and had been using them to deepen their knowledge. They admitted to their actions and apologized sincerely for causing distress.

If Jack hadn't installed the security camera, the mysterious person's identity would have remained unknown.

Throughout the investigation, the police found that the books were unharmed and returned them to their rightful places in the library.



1. What was Amy's purpose for visiting New York?

2. How did Amy lose her wallet?

3. What did Amy's wallet contain besides money and credit cards?

4. Why did Amy have to cancel her credit cards?

5. How did Amy feel when she received a call from the stranger?

6. Why did the stranger call Amy?

7. How did Amy change her behavior after losing her wallet?

8. What did Amy learn from the incident with her lost wallet?

9. What did the stranger notice about Amy's wallet?

10. How did Amy's trip to New York end despite the wallet incident?

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