
Readings containing: comparatives, different pronouns, used to, be used to, get used to, present perfect.

simple past.

First reading.

Conquering Mount Everest: A Tale of Determination and Unity

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled deep in the mountains, there lived two brothers named Tom and Jack. They were known for their adventurous spirits and their love for exploring the vast wilderness that surrounded their village.

One summer, the brothers decided to embark on a daring journey to reach the highest peak in the entire region. The peak, known as Mount Evercrest, was said to be as tall as the clouds and offered breathtaking views of the entire valley below.

The brothers prepared themselves for the challenging expedition, gathering all the necessary supplies and equipment. With their backpacks filled with food, water, and warm clothing, they set off on their quest.

As they ventured further into the mountains, the terrain became steeper and more treacherous. Tom, being the older brother, led the way, carefully navigating the rocky paths. Jack followed closely behind, his determination as strong as ever.

The journey was arduous, and the brothers faced numerous obstacles along the way. They encountered deep ravines that seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see. They crossed roaring rivers, their icy waters sending shivers down their spines. But nothing could dampen their spirits.

Days turned into weeks, and the brothers pressed on. Their determination fueled them, and their bond grew stronger with every step they took. They encouraged each other when the path seemed endless, reminding themselves of the magnificent view that awaited them at the summit.

Finally, after weeks of tireless effort, they reached the base of Mount Evercrest. The sight before them was awe-inspiring. The peak towered above them, reaching far into the sky, its snow-capped summit glistening in the sunlight. They knew their adventure had reached its pinnacle.

With renewed energy, they began their ascent. Each step brought them closer to their goal, and the anticipation grew with every passing minute. The air grew thinner, and their muscles ached, but they pushed forward.

After what felt like an eternity, they reached the top. Their hearts swelled with pride and joy as they took in the breathtaking view before them. The valley stretched out in all directions, a patchwork of green fields and winding rivers. It was the most beautiful sight they had ever seen.

Exhausted but elated, the brothers sat down to rest and soak in the beauty that surrounded them. As they looked at each other, a deep sense of accomplishment filled their hearts. They had conquered the highest peak, braving challenges and pushing their limits.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the valley, they knew that this journey would forever hold a special place in their hearts. They had proven to themselves and to the world that with determination and unity, they could achieve greatness.



1. What are the names of the two brothers in the story?

2. What was the name of the peak the brothers wanted to reach?

3. How did the brothers prepare for their journey?

4. What kind of terrain did the brothers encounter as they ventured further into the mountains?

5. What fueled the determination of the brothers during their journey?

6. How long did the brothers' journey to Mount Evercrest take?

7. What awaited the brothers at the summit of Mount Evercrest?

8. How did the brothers feel when they reached the top of Mount Evercrest?

9. What did the brothers prove to themselves and the world at the end of their journey?

10. What time of day did the brothers reach the top of Mount Evercrest?

Second reading:

Thrilling Adventures and Unbreakable Bonds: The Tale of Friendship in Brightville

In a bustling city called Brightville, there were three best friends named Emily, Sarah, and Rachel. They were inseparable and always found themselves in the midst of exciting adventures.

One sunny day, the friends decided to visit the local amusement park, Funland. As they approached the park entrance, they were thrilled to see a huge Ferris wheel, the tallest one they had ever seen. It stood high above all the other rides, beckoning them to take a ride and experience the breathtaking view from the top.

Excitedly, they purchased their tickets and hopped onto one of the brightly colored Ferris wheel carts. As they ascended higher and higher, the view became more magnificent. From the top, they could see the entire city, with its bustling streets and glittering skyscrapers.

"I've never seen anything more beautiful!" exclaimed Emily, her eyes wide with awe.

"Me neither! This view is even more stunning than the one from the hilltop near my house," Sarah added.

Rachel nodded in agreement. "It's definitely the best view in the whole city. I feel so lucky to be experiencing it with both of you."

As the Ferris wheel slowly descended, the friends couldn't help but reflect on their wonderful friendship. They had known each other since they were little, and their bond grew stronger with each passing day. They supported and encouraged one another through thick and thin, making their friendship truly special.

After the ride, the friends embarked on more thrilling adventures at Funland. They screamed with delight on the roller coasters, spun around on the teacup ride, and challenged each other to games of skill and accuracy at the arcade.

As the day came to an end, the friends walked out of Funland, arm in arm, with smiles plastered on their faces. They knew that they had created memories that would last a lifetime.

Back at their homes, the friends exchanged messages, expressing their gratitude for the incredible day they had shared. They promised to plan more adventures in the future and cherish their remarkable friendship forever.



1. What is the name of the bustling city where the story takes place?

2. Who are the three best friends in the story?

3. What do the friends decide to visit on a sunny day?

4. What ride do the friends decide to go on first at Funland?

5. What do Emily, Sarah, and Rachel see from the top of the Ferris wheel?

6. How long have the friends known each other?

7. How did the friends feel about their friendship after the Ferris wheel ride?

8. What adventures did the friends have at Funland?

9. How did the friends feel as they walked out of Funland at the end of the day?

10. How did the friends plan to cherish their friendship in the future?

Third Reading:

Unleashing the Power of Self-Motivation

In our journey through life, there are times when we face challenges and obstacles that can dampen our spirits. During such moments, it is crucial to tap into the wellspring of self-motivation. Self-motivation is the internal drive that pushes us to take action, persevere, and achieve our goals. It is a skill that can be developed and honed over time.

Used to:

"Used to" refers to something that was familiar or habitual in the past but is no longer the case. It implies a state of being accustomed to a particular situation or experience. For example, someone who used to be a devoted reader but has stopped reading regularly may have to reignite their motivation to get back into the habit.

Be used to:

"Be used to" describes a state of familiarity or adaptation to a certain circumstance or behavior. It suggests that something was difficult or unfamiliar in the beginning but has become more comfortable over time. For instance, when embarking on a new exercise routine, it may take time to be used to the physical exertion and discomfort.

Get used to:

"Get used to" refers to the process of becoming familiar or comfortable with something that was initially challenging or unfamiliar. It implies a gradual adjustment and adaptation to a new situation or environment. For example, when starting a new job, it takes time to get used to the company culture and the responsibilities that come with the role.

Self-Motivation and the "Used to" Framework:

Applying the "used to" framework to self-motivation, we can see its significance in two ways. Firstly, recognizing what we used to be motivated by but have lost interest in can help us identify areas of our lives that need rejuvenation. By reigniting our passion and rekindling our motivation for those activities, we can experience renewed energy and drive.

Secondly, when facing new challenges or embarking on unfamiliar endeavors, it is common to encounter initial difficulties and discomfort. This is where the concept of "getting used to" comes into play. By persisting and pushing through the initial discomfort, we can gradually adapt, build resilience, and develop the motivation necessary to succeed.

Self-motivation is a powerful force that can propel us forward and help us achieve our goals. By understanding the concepts of "used to," "be used to," and "get used to," we can navigate the ebb and flow of motivation in our lives. Whether it's reigniting our passion for past interests or building resilience in the face of new challenges, self-motivation is a skill that can be developed and cultivated to drive us towards success.



1. What is self-motivation?

2. What does "used to" refer to?

3. What does "be used to" describe?

4. What does "get used to" refer to?

5. How can the "used to" framework be applied to self-motivation?

6. What can reigniting our passion and rekindling our motivation for past activities lead to?

7. How can the concept of "getting used to" be helpful when facing new challenges?

8. What is the key takeaway about self-motivation from the article?

9. How can self-motivation be developed and cultivated?

10. What role does self-motivation play in achieving goals?

Fourth reading: .

The Mysterious Case of the Vanishing Necklace

Once upon a time in the quaint town of Willowbrook, a priceless necklace went missing from the local museum. The necklace, adorned with rare gemstones, was known as the "Eyes of Serenity" and had been the town's treasured possession for generations. The curator, Ms. Thompson, was perplexed by the disappearance and immediately enlisted the help of Detective Johnson to solve the case.

Detective Johnson began his investigation by questioning the museum staff and visitors who were present during the incident. Among the suspects were Mr. Anderson, the security guard, Ms. Jenkins, the museum receptionist, and Dr. Lewis, a renowned gemologist who had recently visited the museum.

As Detective Johnson delved deeper into the case, he discovered that the museum's security footage had mysteriously vanished. However, he did manage to find a handwritten note left behind at the scene of the crime. The note read, "Find the truth within, for the answer lies where reflections begin."

Curious about the note's reference to reflections, Detective Johnson revisited the museum and examined the various mirrors and reflective surfaces within the building. As he inspected the mirrors in the jewelry exhibition, he noticed a hidden compartment behind one of them. Inside, he found the missing necklace carefully concealed.

The detective confronted the suspects with the evidence and discovered that the necklace had been stolen by none other than Ms. Jenkins. She confessed to her crime, revealing that she had been involved in an intricate plan with Mr. Anderson, the security guard. They intended to sell the necklace on the black market and split the proceeds.

With the mystery solved, the town celebrated the recovery of the precious necklace. Detective Johnson received praise for his astute investigative skills, and the "Eyes of Serenity" found its rightful place back in the museum, serving as a reminder of the importance of honesty and integrity.



1. What went missing from the local museum in Willowbrook?

2. Who was tasked with solving the case of the missing necklace?

3. What was the clue left behind at the scene of the crime?

4. What did the note found at the scene of the crime say?

5. What did Detective Johnson discover while inspecting the mirrors in the museum?

6. Who was responsible for stealing the necklace?

7. What was the motive behind the theft of the necklace?

8. What happened to the missing necklace in the end?

9. How did the town of Willowbrook react to the recovery of the necklace?

10. What lesson did the recovery of the "Eyes of Serenity" necklace teach the town?

Fifth reading:

The Grand Celebration: A Party Preparation Adventure

Amy was ecstatic. She was hosting a grand celebration at her house, and she wanted everything to be perfect. She had invited all her friends and family for a memorable evening filled with laughter, delicious food, and joyful moments. However, before the party could begin, there was a lot of preparation to be done.

Amy sat down with a pen and paper to make a list of all the things she needed for the party. First on the list was grocery shopping. She needed to stock up on various ingredients to prepare a delectable feast for her guests.

With the shopping list in hand, Amy headed to the supermarket. As she walked through the aisles, she picked up some fresh vegetables and fruits to create vibrant salads and appetizers. She needed some ripe tomatoes, a few crisp lettuce heads, and a handful of juicy oranges.

Next, Amy made her way to the bakery section. She needed to buy bread rolls for sandwiches and a little bit of butter for a creamy spread. The aroma of freshly baked goods filled the air as she selected a couple of loaves of bread.

Amy then went to the dairy aisle. She grabbed a carton of milk for making smoothies and enough cheese to create a cheesy dip for the chips. She also picked up some eggs to prepare a mouthwatering quiche.

Her cart was filling up with the necessary items, but she realized she had forgotten to buy drinks. Amy walked over to the beverage section and grabbed a variety of soft drinks and sparkling water. She also made sure to get a few bottles of wine for those who preferred alcoholic beverages.

As she reached the checkout counter, Amy realized she had bought a lot of groceries. The cashier scanned each item, and Amy paid for her purchases. She packed the bags carefully and headed back home, excited to continue the party preparations.



1. What was Amy's reason for hosting a celebration at her house?

2. What did Amy do before the party could begin?

3. What did Amy need to do before grocery shopping?

4. What was the first thing on Amy's list for the party preparation?

5. What did Amy need from the bakery section for the party?

6. What did Amy buy from the dairy aisle for the party?

7. What did Amy realize she had forgotten to buy while grocery shopping?

8. What did Amy grab from the beverage section for the party?

9. How did Amy feel after completing her grocery shopping?

10. What did Amy do after paying for her groceries?

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