
Readings in simple present / Lecturas en presente simple

Sarah's Routine

First reading: Simple present.

Sarah’s routine.

My name is Sarah and I have a pretty consistent daily routine. I wake up at 6am every morning and immediately go for a run. I usually run for about 30 minutes, which helps me feel energized for the day ahead.

After my run, I come home and take a shower. I always use the same shampoo and conditioner because I like the way they make my hair feel. Then, I get dressed and head to the kitchen to make breakfast.

For breakfast, I usually have oatmeal with fresh fruit and a cup of coffee. I like to sit down at the kitchen table and eat while checking my email and social media.

Next, I head to work. I work in an office from 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday. My job is pretty routine, so I spend most of my time at my desk working on my computer. I take a break for lunch around noon and usually eat a salad or sandwich.

When I get home from work, I like to relax for a bit. I usually watch TV or read a book for an hour or so. Then, I make dinner. I enjoy cooking and like to try new recipes, but I also have some go-to meals that I make frequently.

After dinner, I clean up the kitchen and do some chores around the house. I might do laundry, sweep the floors, or take out the trash. Then, I spend some time with my family. We might watch a movie together or play a game.

Finally, I get ready for bed. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and change into my pajamas. I like to read for a little bit before turning off the lights and going to sleep.

That's my daily routine. It might not be very exciting, but it helps me stay organized and productive.


WH Questions:

Who is the person described in the reading?

What time does Sarah wake up every morning?

When does Sarah take a break for lunch?

Where does Sarah work?

Why does Sarah like her daily routine?

What does Sarah do after making dinner?

What does Sarah do before going to bed?

Second reading: Simple present.

Amazing people from Colombia.

Colombia is a country located in South America, known for its rich culture and friendly people. The Colombian people are warm and welcoming, always ready to greet visitors with a smile and open arms.

The people of Colombia are proud of their country and its heritage. They are passionate about their culture, which includes a mix of indigenous, European, and African influences. Colombians are known for their love of music, dance, and sports, and many festivals and celebrations take place throughout the year.

Colombians are also known for their hospitality. They take pleasure in entertaining guests and making them feel at home. Family is very important in Colombian culture, and many social activities revolve around spending time with loved ones.

Despite the challenges that the country has faced, such as poverty and violence, the people of Colombia remain resilient and hopeful for the future. They are hardworking and determined, always striving to improve their lives and the lives of those around them.

In conclusion, the people of Colombia are a diverse and vibrant group, who are proud of their country and its culture. They are welcoming and hospitable, and their resilience and determination inspire others.


WH Questions:

Where is Colombia located?

What is Colombia known for?

What are Colombians passionate about?

How do Colombians treat visitors?

What is one of the main characteristics of the Colombian people?

What types of influences have shaped Colombian culture?

What is significant in Colombian social activities?

Despite the challenges, what trait do Colombians exhibit?

Third reading: Simple present including adverbs of frequency

Melissa’s routine.

I usually wake up at 6:00 am every day, but on weekends I like to sleep in a little later. I always have a cup of coffee in the morning to help me start the day. After breakfast, I usually check my emails and respond to any urgent messages.

I hardly ever watch TV during the day, but I occasionally like to catch up on my favorite shows in the evening. Every now and then, I go for a run in the park to clear my mind and get some exercise. Once in a blue moon, I treat myself to a spa day and indulge in a massage or facial.

I usually have lunch around noon, and I sometimes meet up with friends for a quick bite. Once in a while, I have a business meeting or appointment in the afternoon, which keeps me busy until evening. I always try to finish my work by 6:00 pm, so I can have dinner with my family.

After dinner, I usually spend some time with my kids, helping them with their homework or playing a game. Once in a while, we watch a movie together or have a family game night. I always make sure to spend some quality time with my loved ones before heading to bed.

In conclusion, I try to stick to a routine during the day, but I also like to mix things up with occasional activities and treats. Time expressions and adverbs of frequency help me to organize my schedule and stay on track.


WH Questions:

What time does Melissa usually wake up on weekdays?

What does Melissa like to have in the morning to start her day?

When does Melissa occasionally watch her favorite shows?

What does Melissa sometimes do in the park to clear her mind?

Fourth reading: Simple present.

African elephants.

Elephants are magnificent creatures that can be found in many parts of Africa. They live in large groups called herds, which are usually made up of females and their young. The males, also known as bulls, often roam alone or in small groups.

Elephants are herbivores, which means they only eat plants. They use their long trunks to grab leaves, branches, and other vegetation. Elephants drink a lot of water and can go for long periods without it, but they need to drink regularly to stay healthy.

Elephants are very social animals and communicate with each other using a variety of sounds, including trumpets, rumbles, and grunts. They also use body language, such as flapping their ears or raising their trunks, to convey their feelings.

Elephants are active during the day and sleep for a few hours at night. They often take naps during the day, resting their heads on their trunks or leaning against a tree. Elephants can live for up to 70 years, and as they get older, they become slower and more prone to health problems.

In conclusion, elephants are amazing animals that play an important role in African ecosystems. They are social, intelligent, and have unique personalities that make them fascinating to study.


WH Questions:

Where can elephants be found?

What are the herds of elephants usually made up of?

How do elephants use their trunks to eat?

How do elephants communicate with each other?

Fifth reading: Simple present.

Atlas: The Humanoid Hero Redefining Collaboration.

Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there exists a state-of-the-art robotics laboratory. Within its walls, scientists diligently work to create advanced robots that can seamlessly integrate into society. One such robot is named Atlas, a humanoid with remarkable abilities.

Atlas stands tall, its sleek metallic body gleaming under the laboratory lights. With its advanced processors and precise motor skills, it performs tasks with unmatched precision and efficiency. Every movement is calculated, every action executed flawlessly.

Dr. Simmons, the lead scientist, guides Atlas through a series of complex maneuvers. The robot effortlessly navigates the lab, showcasing its dexterity and agility. The scientists observe, amazed by the progress they have made.

One sunny day, as Atlas ventures outside the laboratory for the first time, it encounters a group of curious children playing in the park. Their eyes widen with wonder as they see the robot. Atlas approaches them slowly, emitting a warm and friendly aura.

The children are initially hesitant, but soon their curiosity overcomes their fear. They cautiously reach out, patting Atlas on its shiny arm. Laughter fills the air as Atlas engages in playful activities with the children, spinning and dancing, igniting their imagination.

News of the incredible robot spreads throughout the city, captivating the hearts and minds of its residents. Atlas becomes a local hero, assisting in disaster relief efforts, helping the elderly, and even participating in community events.

However, not everyone welcomes the robots with open arms. A group of skeptics raises concerns about the potential dangers of relying on machines. They fear that robots like Atlas could replace human workers, leading to unemployment and loss of livelihood.

To address these concerns, Dr. Simmons organizes a public demonstration. He invites the skeptics to witness Atlas working alongside humans, emphasizing the robot's ability to complement and enhance human capabilities, rather than replacing them.

During the demonstration, Atlas flawlessly collaborates with its human counterparts. Together, they tackle complex tasks, showcasing the power of human-robot cooperation. The skeptics, impressed by the seamless integration, slowly begin to reconsider their stance.

Over time, Atlas and its robotic counterparts continue to prove their worth. They become an integral part of society, assisting in various industries, from healthcare to manufacturing, and even space exploration. The city flourishes, thanks to the collaborative efforts of humans and robots.

As the years pass, Atlas evolves, continuously learning and adapting. It becomes more than just a machine; it becomes a companion, a helper, and a friend. Its presence reminds humanity of the endless possibilities that arise from embracing technological advancements.

And so, the story of Atlas, the remarkable robot, continues to inspire generations, showing that the future lies not in fear and resistance, but in the unison of human ingenuity and the incredible capabilities of robots.


WH Questions:

What is the name of the humanoid robot in the story?

Where is the robotics laboratory located?

How do the children react when they see Atlas in the park?

What concerns do the skeptics raise about robots like Atlas?

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