
Readings using (can, could, be able to, may, might). / lecturas usando (can, could, be able to, may, might).

John’s interest in photography

John’s interest in photography

John has always been interested in photography. He started taking pictures when he was a teenager and has been practicing ever since. He can take amazing photos of landscapes, animals, and people.

Last year, John couldn't go on a trip to Africa that he had planned because he got sick. But he is hoping to go next year if he is able to save enough money.

John's friend asked him if he could take some photos of her family for their Christmas card. John said he would love to, but he won't be able to do it until next weekend because he has other commitments.

When John was younger, he could spend hours developing his own photos in a darkroom. Nowadays, he prefers digital photography and uses editing software to enhance his photos.

John has always dreamed of being a professional photographer and is currently taking classes to improve his skills. He hopes that one day he will be able to make a living from his passion.

That's John’s interest in photography. He is truly passionate about capturing beautiful moments and expressing his creativity through photography.



When did John start taking pictures?

What type of photos can John take?

Why couldn't John go on his trip to Africa last year?

When does John plan to take photos for his friend's Christmas card?

How did John develop his photos when he was younger?

What type of photography does John prefer nowadays?

What is John currently doing to improve his photography skills?

What is John's ultimate dream regarding photography?

Why does John need to save money?

How long has John been practicing photography?

Second reading using (can, could, be able to, may, might).

Unleashing the Power Within.

Once upon a time, in a mystical kingdom, there was a young girl named Lily. She lived in a small village surrounded by lush green forests. Lily had always dreamt of being able to perform magic, just like the wizards and witches she had heard tales about.

One day, as Lily was exploring the depths of the enchanted forest, she stumbled upon a mysterious old book. It was said to hold the secrets of ancient spells and potions. Excitedly, Lily opened the book and discovered that it contained instructions for a spell that could grant her magical powers.

With trembling hands, Lily followed the instructions carefully. She chanted the incantation, "Abracadabra, let magic be mine." Suddenly, a burst of shimmering light enveloped her, and she felt a surge of energy flowing through her veins. Lily realized that she had indeed acquired the ability to perform magic.

Over the following days, Lily practiced her newfound powers. She could make objects float in the air, create beautiful illusions, and even communicate with animals. The villagers were amazed by her abilities and sought her help for various tasks.

However, as Lily's powers grew, she also discovered the responsibility that came with them. She realized that she must use her magic wisely and for the greater good. With her abilities, she helped the villagers, mended broken friendships, and brought joy and harmony to the kingdom.

Lily's journey taught her that with great power comes great responsibility. She became a beacon of hope and inspiration for those around her, proving that even an ordinary girl could possess extraordinary abilities.



What did Lily dream of being able to do?

How did Lily acquire her magical powers?

What did Lily chant while performing the spell?

What could Lily do with her newfound powers?

How did the villagers react to Lily's abilities?

What did Lily realize about her magical powers?

What happened when Lily chanted the incantation?

What kind of powers did Lily's magical abilities include?

What did Lily become for the people around her?

What did Lily learn from her journey?

Third reading using (can, could, be able to, may, might).

Love's Magical Embrace

Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled among rolling hills, there lived a young woman named Emily. She possessed a heart full of love and a longing for a deep connection. Little did she know that her life was about to be touched by a love as magical as the twinkling stars in the night sky.

One sunny afternoon, as Emily strolled through the village, she caught a glimpse of a captivating stranger named Daniel. His eyes sparkled like emeralds, and his smile warmed her heart. She couldn't help but be drawn to him, as if fate had brought them together.

Days turned into weeks, and Emily and Daniel's encounters became more frequent. Their conversations were filled with laughter, shared dreams, and endless possibilities. They discovered a profound connection, an unspoken understanding of one another's hopes and fears.

As their love blossomed, Emily realized that she could be herself around Daniel without fear of judgment. He embraced her quirks and supported her dreams. They found solace in each other's presence, creating a safe haven in a world filled with uncertainty.

They shared countless adventures, from moonlit walks on the beach to dancing under the stars. Their love grew stronger with each passing day, like a delicate flower basking in the warmth of the sun. They could face any challenge together, knowing their love was an unbreakable force.

Their story was filled with maybes and mights, but their love was undeniable. They could conquer the world as long as they had each other by their side. Emily and Daniel had found a love that transcended time and space, a love that was meant to be.



What did Emily long for in her life?

How did Emily feel when she first saw Daniel?

What were Emily and Daniel's conversations filled with?

Why did Emily feel comfortable around Daniel?

What did Emily and Daniel share during their adventures?

How did their love grow stronger with each passing day?

What kind of force did their love become?

How did Emily and Daniel's love transcend time and space?

How did the villagers feel about Emily and Daniel's love story?

What did Emily and Daniel find in each other's presence?

Fourth reading including (may and might).

Summer vacations.

As the summer approaches, many people are planning their vacations. Some may choose to visit a beach, while others might prefer to explore a new city. Regardless of the destination, it's important to be prepared and have all necessary items packed.

When traveling by airplane, passengers may be asked to remove their shoes during the security check. This is a safety measure implemented by the TSA. In addition, passengers might be required to place all liquids in a clear plastic bag.

Once on the plane, passengers may use electronic devices during takeoff and landing, but they must be turned off during the flight. Flight attendants may also ask passengers to fasten their seatbelts when the plane encounters turbulence.

Upon arrival at the destination, travelers may need to go through customs and present their passports. Depending on the country, travelers might be required to get a visa before entering.

While on vacation, travelers may encounter different weather conditions, so it's important to pack appropriate clothing. In some areas, it might rain frequently, so a raincoat and umbrella may be necessary.

Overall, planning and preparation are key when traveling. By following the rules and regulations, travelers may have a smooth and enjoyable trip.



What are many people doing as summer approaches?

What might some people prefer to do during their summer vacation?

Why might passengers be asked to remove their shoes during a security check?

When are passengers allowed to use electronic devices on a plane?

When might flight attendants ask passengers to fasten their seatbelts?

What might travelers need to do upon arrival at their destination?

What should travelers do to be prepared for different weather conditions during their vacation?

What could be necessary in areas where it rains frequently during summer vacation?

What is the key to a smooth and enjoyable trip according to the reading?

What are travelers required to do in some countries before entering?

Fifth reading using (can, could, be able to, may, might).

The Quest for the Lost Amulet

In the heart of an ancient jungle, there existed a legendary amulet that was said to possess unimaginable powers. Many had tried to find it, but none had succeeded. One day, a brave explorer named Alex set out on a quest to locate this elusive artifact.

Equipped with a map passed down through generations, Alex ventured deep into the dense wilderness. The path was treacherous, with towering cliffs and roaring rivers blocking the way. However, Alex's unwavering determination pushed him forward.

As the days turned into weeks, Alex encountered various challenges. Fierce beasts and cunning traps tested his resolve, but he persevered. He knew that with each obstacle he overcame, he might be one step closer to his goal.

Amidst the dangers, Alex discovered hidden caves filled with ancient writings. These inscriptions hinted at the amulet's location, providing clues that only the most astute could decipher. With each translated passage, Alex gained insight into the trials that lay ahead.

Through thick jungles and steep mountains, Alex's strength and agility were put to the test. Climbing treacherous cliffs and navigating perilous chasms, he demonstrated his remarkable skills. His unwavering spirit allowed him to overcome obstacles that others might find insurmountable.

Finally, after months of relentless pursuit, Alex stood before the entrance to a long-lost temple. The final hurdle in his quest was a massive stone door. Using his wits and a bit of luck, he deciphered the intricate mechanism and gained access to the chamber where the amulet awaited.

With bated breath, Alex reached out and grasped the amulet. Its power surged through his veins, filling him with a sense of awe and wonder. He knew that he had accomplished what many believed to be impossible.

Returning to civilization, Alex became a living legend, admired for his bravery and resourcefulness. The amulet's power changed him, allowing him to become a force for good in the world. He was able to accomplish feats that others could only dream of, thanks to his unwavering determination.



What was said about the legendary amulet in the ancient jungle?

How did Alex obtain the map for his quest?

What kind of path did Alex face on his quest?

What tested Alex's resolve during his quest?

What did the inscriptions in the hidden caves provide?

How did Alex demonstrate his remarkable skills during the quest?

What did Alex discover when he reached the long-lost temple?

How did Alex gain access to the chamber where the amulet awaited?

What did the amulet's power do to Alex?

What did Alex become in civilization after finding the amulet?

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